Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Twelve Days of Christmas (Our version)

During this season of reflection (and an endless supply of Christmas music constantly playing), we have collaborated in a light hearted list of our Acme version of the Twelve Days of Christmas. 

On the first day of Christmas our callers gave to us:  A barbie doll Christmas tree
2:  broken staplers
3:  Stinky Crawls
4:  Forgot your comings
5:  Tyler's big black eye
6:  I'll pay you laters
7:  I want Gamble
8:  Phones a ringing
9:  Chances only
10:  Billie's razzing
11:  Lindsay's whining
12:  Marshall's stranded

We had fun creating our warped version and found it difficult to narrow down to only 12 days.  And as side notes: our barbie doll tree is oozing with awesomeness and Marshall is no longer stranded in New York.  Yea!
Happy Holidays from the Acme family to yours

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