Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Weird bumpy paper

Embossed wall paper used to be a big thing when I was younger. I thought the bumpy paper was a little weird but couldn't help but touch it. Then it seemed to loose its flair and everyone removed it from their walls. Well, guess what, apparently it is coming back again (as everything always does). Check out this article from BH&G on customizing the accessories around your home (besides your walls). I love the covered boxes and office storage ideas. The lamp shade and bedroom mirror are nice too. I think my daughter would love the window shade and would probably try making a wallet out of the material, to go with her multi compartment, decorated duct-tape wallets (see below) that she has been making. (Ya, I know...don't ask)...they actually look pretty cool are are functional. One has a Velcro closure and the other a ribbon/loop closure.